Everything To Know About Chiropractic During Pregnancy
- January 20, 2024

Everything to know about chiropractic during pregnancy
During pregnancy it’s often that mothers struggle with aches and pains, which adds extra physical and emotional stress during this important time of their lives.
That is why a growing number of Australian mothers turn to Chiropractic care to alleviate pain, discomfort and muscle tension during their 9 months.
What makes Pure Chiropractic the best choice during your pregnancy?
We at Pure Chiropractic are certified in the Webster Technique, which is considered one of the safest and most effective techniques to use during pregnancy.
The Webster Technique focuses on improving function of the tailbone (sacrum) and how it moves alongside the pelvic region.
If this area is suffering from mobility issues (Sacroiliac dysfunction), this may contribute to difficult labor for the mother (i.e., dystocia), some of the causes being inadequate uterine function, pelvic contraction and baby mal-presentation.
By utilising the Webster Technique and improving function in this area, there may be several positive effect on all of the causes of dystocia, the likes of:
– Enhancing flexibility,
– Reduce lower back/pubic pain
– Alleviate back and neck discomfort
– Improve walking patterns and body mechanics
– Maintain proper alignment of the hips, pelvis and pubis region.
– Diminish nerve pain traveling down the legs, as well as minimising round ligament discomfort
– Additionally it can facilitate the birthing process by promotion healthy movement to the part of the spine and pelvis necessary during childbirth.
Most women experiencing pregnancy-related concerns can generally proceed with Chiropractic care without safety concerns, however we recommend engaging a Webster Certified Chiropractor for a gentle and specific treatment or else you can put yourself at risk of soreness in muscles, ligaments or dizziness accompanied by nausea or headaches.
That is why we strongly advise to engage a Webster Certified Chiropractor to avoid these risks.
If you are expecting a baby and encountering any pain or discomfort, get in touch with our Doctors to have a discussion to assess the suitability of care, for your specific condition.
Get in touch with our friendly team on (03) 8522 1922 or make a booking here.

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