Know Your Pain! The 3 T's
There is no better time to see if Chiropractic Care could work for you!
- March 20, 2024

Understanding your personal pain.
Pain is something that we all live through at one moment in time, but the interesting thing about it is that no two people feel pain the same way, even if their symptoms are similar.
That is why it is extremely important to understand your specific pain!
If you understand the cause, what causes the flare ups and what bodily restrictions you have from your pain, then you can visit a health care professional to understand how it can be treated.
The 3 T's
Here are the three factors ( 3 T’s ) that can contribute to the experience of pain:
When a person undergoes trauma it can physically harm their body and affect how the brain processes pain signals.
Negative thoughts also have a role to play in causing pain by creating muscle tension and influencing our beliefs.
Exposure to toxins has the potential to harm cells and tissues in the body while disrupting its natural healing process.
Additionally, if you have spinal, head, arm or leg pain, it can be caused by factors such as:
– leading a busy lifestyle
-maintaining suboptimal posture
-improper breathing techniques
– prolonged smartphone / computer usage (tech neck)
– having weak neck muscles
– sleeping on your side or stomach
– using incorrect lifting postures
– frequently holding a phone against your shoulder
– Promote an Improvement in Your Sleep Patterns
– Reduce Your Aches and Pains and Need for Pain Medication
– Taking Pressure Off Your Nervous System (This Can Lessen Overall Body Tension and Stress)
– Maintain and Improve Your Posture
– Boost Your Natural Energy Levels
– Enhance Your Athletic Performance
– Improve Your Overall Mood
Once your primary health care practitioner has confirmed that there are no underlying health concerns, they will collaborate closely with you to create a solution that caters to your specific requirements.
This is where we as Gonstead Chiropractors come in.
Get in touch now with one of our doctors to identify how to move away from your pain on (03) 8522 1922 or make a booking here.

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